Thursday 17 September 2020


 COLLINA STRADA Spring 2021 Ready-to -Wear

How did Hillary Taymour come to name her brand Collina Strada? Collina is Italian for “hill,” and it’s what her Italian friends call her, and Strada translates to “road.” She says she likes the way the two words sound together, but there’s more meaning to derive from the moniker. It could mean walking up the side of a hill, or perhaps facing an uphill battle, which in Taymour’s case is the fight against climate change. Sustainability is the focal-point of her brand and while she is certainly doing her part, she is honest and straightforward about how far we have to go.\

Taymour’s calls to action are simple: shop locally, grow your own food, don’t use plastic, and DIY your clothes, even if they’re based on her designs. She’s been transparent about the fact that while the majority of her collections are upcycled; she isn’t 100% sustainable yet (though she’s pretty damn close). Most importantly, she doesn’t speak about the climate crisis through any sort of doom and gloom narrative. Her approach, in terms of both design and activism, is one of hope and optimism. 

There are flower models too, illustrated by the artist Sean-Kierre Lyons. Set to a bouncy soundtrack by Angel Emoji, the 11-minute film features the diverse cast of humans running and jumping at several different farms upstate, as well as at the seaside. Cows and frogs swirl in and out of the frames, and the flower characters dance. It’s trippy and weird and wildly captivating.

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